MCS serves in Appalachia

Because of your partnership, we were able to mobilize a team of students, parents, and leaders to Appalachia as a summer short-term mission opportunity. One out of every three Appalachians suffer from poverty; their average income is 23% lower than the average level of American per capita income.
The team we mobilized recently returned from serving McCreary County in southeastern Kentucky along the Tennessee state border. McCreary is the only county nationwide where most households earn less than $20,000 yearly, the poorest county in Kentucky and the United States.
Led by Dean of Academics and High School Principal Mrs. Kim Miller, the team shared the gospel in many ways. In their week of service, the team of students, parents, and teachers built meaningful relationships. They led a community Vacation Bible School at a subsidized low-income apartment community, served at a food distribution center in Harlan County called Christ's Hands, and ministered door-to-door in partnership with the local church to share the gospel and invite the community to church. The team also served the Black Mountain Elementary School summer school program and The Laurels, a facility for those with developmental disabilities and elderly with no other housing options.
Mrs. Miller said, "Having been on many mission trips with teens, this group was stellar, gave 110%, and their outreach and personal growth were evident for the sake of the gospel. We made good connections with local church and ministry leaders to continue to pursue a relationship in Harlan County. May the Lord be glorified."
We are so grateful to the Lord for your partnership in the gospel. We remain steadfast in educating for eternity and providing students the opportunity to impact eternity today. We sincerely appreciate your prayers and continued support as we work to accomplish the mission of Madison Christian School. We couldn't do it without you!