Portrait of a Graduate
Madison Christian School seeks to provide an education that will serve as a foundation for living as faithful disciples of Christ.
We aim to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33) and to "make disciples" (Matthew 28:19-20) with the understanding that other desirable outcomes may be "added unto you" (Matthew 6:34).
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Our primary motivation is to educate for eternity rather than to focus on test scores, grades, sports recognition, job placement, patriotic citizenship, career pathways, or even college preparation. However, the type of education we seek to impart will likely lead to success in many of these subordinate pursuits. Our objective is to lovingly educate students to live their lives in relationship with and in service to God for the rest of their lives.
What follows is an attempt to capture what it means to live with this end in mind. The portrait of a Graduate should be viewed not as goals that end upon graduation, but instead as the trajectory for the rest of one’s life. They are indicators of living a life rich in knowledge, wise in application, and virtuous in action.

A Madison Christian School Graduate: |
1. ARDENTLY EMBRACES the gift of the Gospel, submitting to its transformational power.
2. PERSISTENTLY HUNGERS after God’s character with a mindset on truth, as revealed in God’s Word, a will determined to want goodness, and affections that love beauty.
3. GENUINELY DELIGHTS in pursuing wisdom and virtue as the end of true education.
4. SACRIFICIALLY SERVES their family, local church, and community through generous giving, compassionate evangelism, and fervent discipleship in Christian community.
5. PRUDENTLY ENGAGES with the culture by embracing Christ’s call to be simultaneously “in” but not “of” the world.