Middle School » Middle School (6th-8th)

Middle School (6th-8th)


Madison Christian's Middle School includes 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade.

As the Logic Stage of our middle school Classical Christian Education, students at this age naturally begin to question things and seek for meaningful answers to deeper questions. Through formal Latin and Logic classes, argument, and debate, teachers guide students through this argumentative phase so that they are able to order their thinking and discern truth from falsehood. We do not shy away from things that are hard, but rather embrace them, helping the students to grow in diligence, learning that they do have the ability to master things that are hard, which sets them up to continue to do this throughout their lives. We also focus on executive function and organization.

Middle school students start connecting the facts learned in their younger years to help make sense of the world. The humanities (literature and history) help to immerse students in the “great conversation” as they journey through classic texts such as "The Hiding Place," "The Odyssey," "Julius Caesar," "Beowulf," and "The Hobbit."

The cornerstone of our Christian middle school is our 9 Pillars or virtues. Our goal is not just to teach academics, but to see healthy habits (virtues) form in students' hearts so that it frames their character – becoming a part of who they are. We want to teach for wisdom and virtue, rather than knowledge alone – this alters the focus of education to who we become, not what we know.

Middle School Curriculum Overview:

Middle School Overview
  • Iron Scouts of the Confederacy
  • Children of the Storm
  • Soft Rain
  • The Wright Brothers
  • The Hiding Place
  • Charlotte's Web
  • The Magician’s Nephew
  • Greek Myths by Olivia Coolidge
  • The Odyssey translated by Emily Wilson
  • Detectives in Togas
  • Julius Caesar
  • Famous Men of Greece
  • Famous Men of Rome
  • Histories by Herodotus
  • The Bronze Bow
  • The Hobbit
  • Beowulf
  • MacBeth
  • The Adventures of Robin Hood
  • Monks and Mystics
  • The Son of Charlemagne
  • King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
*Typical offerings, may vary slightly from year to year.